Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 3 Pomona to Chinderah

Today we said goodbye to the Marshall clan and on our way down to the Gold Coast. We had a good nights sleep and a nice morning walking around their property at Pomona which is absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately we only got to say a quick hello and goodbye to Michelle and Craig but we'll see you all again on the return.

Our chant for today was "1...2...3 GO CLUTCH!" all the way down to Chinderah when ever we had to stop at traffic lights or on our stop for lunch. We were all hoping that we would be able to make it so that the car could be booked into Toyota the next day.

Our first night of setting up the caravan went pretty well with the unexpected arrival of a bit of rain during the night. All in all we have survived day 3. The kids are tired and need a lot of catch up sleep.

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