Friday, March 26, 2010

Cyclone Delay

Well the unexpected happened - a cyclone hit our neck of the woods only 3 weeks and 3 days before our departure date. It was a good test to see if we were prepared to be self sufficient for 2 1/2 months on the road and I can sadly say that we weren't as prepared as what I thought. Apparently there was something wrong with the gas fittings not fitting one of the gas bottles that was in fact full but it only fit the gas bottle that we had run out of gas with. Oh drama, drama!! Anyway to our surprise Camping World was open the day after the cyclone hit and they were able to fill up the gas bottle and they had the right gas fitting for us to survive if we needed to run the gas cooker and the 3 way waeco fridge for a few days. We were expecting the power to be out for several days, but to Ergon Energy's credit they had the power back on in our area just over 12 hours after it had gone out. Sadly though there are still a lot of house without power still and have to rely on generators for the time being.
With only 2 weeks and 3 days until departure the clean up of the yard has taken up a lot of time. To be fair to the cyclone, I've probably done more damage than it did to our yard but considering while I was at it I figured why not really clean up a few things. Sad to say the cannas and the spineless pandanas have seen better days and they are probably better off this way than dying from neglect. Next onto cleaning the house....

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