Monday, March 15, 2010

No Real Plan

So normally I'm the type of person that has to plan absolutely everything, but for this trip we haven't really got much set in place. Because we live half way up the Queensland coast we figure that our first stage of our trip is to get as far south as possible as soon as we can before we get too cold and want to come back. Yes, we are going against the general caravaning population traveling route of going north for the winter, but both of us have lived in Far North Queensland and I grew up in Weipa so it's not really on the list of things to see again. We want to see as many places that we already haven't and a few that we have, and to of course see some long lost friends and family that we haven't had the chance to see in many years.
We do have a sort of plan for our travelling days of in between places and that's to keep our driving times down to about 4 -5 hours at the maximum and have a nice long break for lunch in a park with a playground. Where that will be on the way we have no idea.
We generally have the places that are a must and things we do want to see and some of those are Canberra War Memorial, National Art Gallery, and for the kids every zoo that we can get to and that's only if they don't get sick of them.
Basically we will visit the east coast of the country with inland NSW and Victoria on the list. We're not sure how much we'll get to see and do, but it's 2 1/2 months on holiday so it's bound to be fun.
I have read a few other blogs and how people are super organised with everything with their mapping and booking into places so I would like to know is there anyone out there that just goes with the flow of traveling and how successful is it when you do??? We would love to hear any advice that anyone has on travelling with kids.

1 comment:

  1. The best investment that i made when we were going on long trips with the kids was a prtable DVD player. Keeps them amuzed for hours on end. Good luck!
