Monday, March 15, 2010

Who we are, where we're from and why we're doing this...

Welcome to the Hurrell family blog......

Who we are:
Dad - Andrew 39 shift supervisor at a mine
Mum - Sam 29 stay at home mum and the blogger
Kid 1 - Declan 3 & 3/4 years
Kid 2 - Kira 2 years

We live in Sunny Queensland in the town of Mirani which is situated just west of Mackay up the Pioneer Valley. Last year Andrew came up with the idea of taking his long service leave and somehow that idea progressed onto buying a second hand caravan of some sort and travelling. We have been lucky enough to have seen a fair bit of this country already so we thought for the age of our kids and the general areas that we want to see that 2 1/2 months would be enough time for us to survive on the road.
Before we got to this decision we were thinking that we were going to go for a holiday over to Japan for 2 weeks this year and I had the plan to re-learn some Japanese that I had learnt at school. So off I went and got the Japanese for tourists on CD and started getting excited about getting travelling really back on the agenda for our family after having kids.
We did an experimental overseas holiday last year to New Zealand (north island) for 10 days to see how the kids would fair overseas travel and we could say that it was probably about 90% successful with the only hitch was Kira coming down with a virus. We were travelling in between the summer and winter tourist periods so the overall ease of travel was in our favour.
So now obviously the idea of going to Japan is out the window, but still on the list for future travels we are going to depart on April 13th 2010. And no it's not a Friday!!! (like Andrew keeps saying).
We have the opinion that you just have to get out there and do it, and certainly before it's too late. We love travel but the idea of caravaning honestly wasn't on my list of things to do. This is surely going to be an adventure anyway you look at it.

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