Friday, May 21, 2010

Bumblebrook Farm Motel

We stayed for 3 nights at the Bumblebrook Farm Motel hosted by Alan and Wendy Cross who own and operate a motel style bed and breakfast on their farm just near Candelo. We were lucky enough to be able to leave the confines of the caravan for a few nights to stretch out and relax and enjoy the peaceful surrounds and the simple life for a change.

The kids loved the addition of the animals and talk about Toby their dog a lot, especially Kira. They loved being able to feed the chickens in the morning and see cattle get offloaded from a truck into a paddock. However, I think the highlight for Declan has been the cubbie house up a tree and to be able to run around with a bit of space.

The morning view from the back verandah is beautiful with the outlook being the farm and the Bega valley hills and ranges. This time of year with a bit of the cold the mountains are capped by mist until the sun rises and lights up the valley.

Thank you for letting us share your little piece of paradise and we will be sure to stay again if we every get down this way on any of our future travels. Good luck.

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