Friday, May 21, 2010

Melbourne - Lakes Entrance - Candelo

On Monday after a quick trip into FPR to say goodbye to David and a few tears by Declan we left Melbourne to find ourselves completely confused by our GPS again. Karen was directing us to the heart of the city instead of out of the city to get onto the Princess Highway. It seemed to be disastrous and we probably added an extra hour onto our trip, but with very little help of "take the next right, take the next right" we managed to find our way out without too much stress, and I was glad to say goodbye to the Melbourne traffic and shift down a gear once we got clear of mass population.

We were surprised to see the amount of power stations that are along the highway and the plumes of smoke can be seen for miles. On approach we didn't even know what we were looking at and then you come over a bit of a rise and there they all are.

Our plan was to go to Bairnsdale but on arrival we changed our minds and continued further to Lakes Entrance. It's a nice sea side town on the south east coast of Victoria. Apparently the locals get invaded every summer holidays and they all complain about not being able to get a parking spot in the main street.

We stayed at the Top Tourist caravan park at Eastern Beach and they had new en suite sites that we very good besides the amount of sand that kept coming into the caravan. The park had a jumping pillow and a really good playground for the kids, just the right size for both of them to play by themselves.

After two nights we decided that it was getting too cold and thought that we would go onto Eden the next day by going along the Princess Highway along and then up the coast. If we were to plan it again I think going through the Snowy Mountains would have been better, but because of the cold it worked out okay.

Instead of staying at Eden we made our way towards Bega and decided to stay in a motel, but we couldn't find one vacant and the caravan park wasn't very helpful with having cabins with no linen and very poor caravan sites. Anyway we ended up at Bumblebrook Farm Motel at Candelo at about 5 pm after traveling all day with the kids in the car, believe me they were happy as we were to stop.

Check out the next blog for the photos and more details of Bumblebrook.

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